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Why Use a Local Lawyer?

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The blog post below has been adapted from the article “The Value of the Local Lawyer when Meeting from Any Where is Possible” written by Kathleen Robichaud

Why Use a Local Lawyer?

In this new, pandemic, video-meeting, document-uploading world, the question of why use a local lawyer is something more clients are asking. 

Our offices are physically located in the Niagara Region.  Our lawyers live in the Niagara Region.  We are licenced to practice law in the province of Ontario, but we service mainly the Niagara Region.  This means that our clients are typically located in the Niagara Region and the work we do for them relates primarily to businesses, estates and properties in the Niagara Region.

There are lawyers who are located outside of the Niagara Region.  Some of them appear to have a presence here, but they do not.  Some of them make it hard to determine whether they have a physical location near you or the place you need work done.  Because of the pandemic, many lawyers have started to focus on a digital presence.  Their goal is to interact with their clients without being in their physical presence.  This has been helpful in many ways, but sacrifices service and accountability.

You may be able to find a lawyer who will charge you less if you shop the internet.  But, you will be less likely to connect with someone with whom you can build the kind of trusting relationship that makes you think of them and go back to them when future legal needs arise.  In other words, when you need the help of a lawyer again, you will be less likely to have someone “in your corner” that you can call to help you, or to connect you with someone who can.

If you use a local lawyer, on the other hand, the lawyer will have connections to the local community.  They can help connect you with someone who can help you with your mortgage, septic repairs, finding a painter or a mechanic, someone to open, close or repair your pool and so on.  They can streamline simple to complex transactions.  You can build a relationship with a lawyer who can assist you throughout your life.

The pandemic has increased social isolation for all of us.  Connections to people with connections to places and other people we know helps reduce that.  Local lawyers offer that.  Being able to interact with each other in person, or, at least, to have the option of doing so, is something that local lawyers are much more likely to be able to offer than a lawyer in a physical location far away.

Contact Daniel & Partners LLP today. We look forward to working with you.