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Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Please call ahead for an appointment: 1-800-263-3650

There is metered street parking available on Queen Street and King Street. More parking is available one block behind our office at the Ontario Street garage, located at 8 Ontario Street
(additional entrance on William Street).

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The Dominion Building

2017 marks the 95th Anniversary of Daniel & Partners LLP. For nearly a century our firm has provided legal counsel to companies and individuals in the Niagara Region on all matter of legal issues. Through its history, Daniel & Partners LLP has gone by the following names:

• Trapnell, Fleming, Harris
• Trapnell, Fleming, Harris & Kerwin
• Fleming, Harris
• Fleming, Harris, Kerwin & Barr
• Fleming, Harris, Kerwin, Barr & Hildebrand
• Fleming, Harris, Barr, Hildebrand, Geiger & Daniel
• Harris, Barr
• Daniel, Wilson
• Daniel, Black, Hill, Tiidus, DeLorenzo, Shedden, Donohue & Sheppard LLP
• Daniel & Partners LLP

Our offices are located on the 3rd Floor of the Dominion Building at 39 Queen Street, at the Corner of King Street and Queen Street in St. Catharines. The Dominion Building is named for the Dominion Bank which occupied the building many decades ago. According to historical Maps of St. Catharines, the Dominion Building was built between 1875 and 1890. It was originally home to the Bank of Toronto before being occupied by Dominion. A photo of a sketch of the building from 1890 is below.

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In the early 20th century, the building was transferred to Dominion Bank, after which the building was eventually named. Below is a picture of the building taken in 1940.

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In 1955, Dominion Bank ceased to exist, as it merged with the Bank of Toronto, yet the building maintained Dominion’s name. After renovations, the building pictured above merged with the pharmacy next to it to become the modern Dominion Building, home to Daniel & Partners LLP. The current building is pictured below as seen on Google Street View.

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Blog post written by Alex Hobbs, summer student.