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Welcome to our new Articling Student, Nick Baxter!

Nick Baxter - Daniel & Partners

My name is Nick Baxter and I am excited to begin my articling term at Daniel & Partners LLP.

I was born and raised in St. Catharines, Ontario. I attended both Governor Simcoe Secondary School and Brock University. In 2014, I graduated from Brock University with a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Political Science with a concentration in public law. During my studies at Brock, I participated in student government and went on exchange to Glasgow, Scotland for a semester in my third year.

In the fall of 2014, I began my studies at Lakehead University’s Juris Doctorate Program. Studying in Thunder Bay, Ontario provided a unique perspective to my legal studies by preparing me for practice in a smaller city center. Although I enjoyed my experience living in Thunder Bay, I look forward to beginning my career in Niagara.

For the past two summers I have had the privilege of working within Ontario’s legal clinic system.  At Niagara North Community Legal Assistance, I provided support to an experienced legal staff serving low income clients. At the Hamilton Community Legal Clinic I wrote an extensive report on implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action within the office structure. Both experiences were incredibly rewarding and allowed me to give back to my community.

I am passionate about Niagara and cannot wait to become a part of the legal community