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Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Please call ahead for an appointment: 1-800-263-3650

There is metered street parking available on Queen Street and King Street. More parking is available one block behind our office at the Ontario Street garage, located at 8 Ontario Street
(additional entrance on William Street).

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Niagara Falls Humane Society Spring Will Campaign

Wills Estates Law - Daniel & Partners

One of our senior partners, Brandon M. Boone is holding a Will campaign for charity during the months of March and April. 100% of the fees generated will be donated to the Niagara Falls Humane Society.  For the safety of the participants, the initial instructions appointment will be by way of telephone.  The subsequent signing appointment will be in person.  Out of office signing appointments can be arranged, if necessary.

To book your appointment, please contact Brandon’s assistant, Florence, at 905-688-1125 ext. 3267 or