One of our senior partners, Brandon M. Boone is holding a Will campaign for charity during the month of March. 100% of the fees generated will be donated to Community Crew.
During the campaign, the fee for basic wills and powers of attorney will be $650 for an individual, and $800 for couples. For more complex wills and powers of attorney, such as where an institutional executor is appointed or public and private assets wills are required, the fees would be $1050 for an individual and $1300 for couples. All cheques will be payable to Community Crew.
For the safety of the participants, the initial instructions appointment will be by way of telephone. Signing appointments will be conducted in our office, or by means of video conferencing provided the Provincial Order permitting remote signing appointments for wills and POAs remains in force.
To book your appointment, please call Christina at 905-688-9411, extension 3282.
A beautiful tribute Joseph! Gino would be honoured for his well deserved remembrance.