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Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Please call ahead for an appointment: 1-800-263-3650

There is metered street parking available on Queen Street and King Street. More parking is available one block behind our office at the Ontario Street garage, located at 8 Ontario Street
(additional entrance on William Street).

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March 2019 Wills Campaign

During the month of March, Brandon Boone will be conducting a will campaign to benefit the Niagara Falls Humane Society.


A basic will, which includes continuing power of attorney for both property and for personal care, will cost an individual $550.00 and a couple $750.00, with no disbursements or HST, and all cheques will be made payable to the Niagara Falls Humane Society.


If you are interested, please contact Brandon’s assistant, Korinne, at 905-688-1125 extension 3272 or, for more information.brandon boone - Daniel & Partners