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Hagersville Remembrance Day Banners

Belford Alexander Draper

The Hagersville and District Chamber of Commerce has raised 127 banners commemorating soldiers who were Hagersville residents who risked or lost their lives in overseas military operations.  The banners were installed on June 1 for Decoration Day and will remain in place through Remembrance Day.

Our partner, Sarah Draper’s grandfather Belford Alexander Draper, who served as a Telegraphist or a “Sparker” on the H.M.S. Puncher, was honoured with one of the banners.

We would like to thank the Hagersville and District Chamber of Commerce, and especially Beverly Petheram and Brenda Gallant who spearheaded the Hagersville Remembrance Banner Campaign for their hard work and dedication in identifying, locating and working with the families of the veterans to have the banners prepared and raised.

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