Contact Us

Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Please call ahead for an appointment: 1-800-263-3650

There is metered street parking available on Queen Street and King Street. More parking is available one block behind our office at the Ontario Street garage, located at 8 Ontario Street
(additional entrance on William Street).

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Today is #GivingTuesday, a global movement to encourage charitable donations and volunteering following Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

This year, the lawyers and staff at Daniel & Partners LLP are once again participating in ‘Adopt A Family’ through Community Care of St. Catharines and Thorold.  The ‘Adopt A Family’ program gives families in need throughout our community the chance to enjoy the holiday season without stress or worry, with food on the table and gifts for their children.

‘Adopt A Family’ registration is closed for the season, but there are still many ways of giving back.  Contact Community Care or pick your favourite charitable organization to support.

Daniel & Partners is dedicated to improving the lives of our clients and having a positive impact on our community.  We have been proud to serve the Niagara Region since 1922.Christmas Tree Malmo Sweden 102613302EE9A8C9 - Daniel & Partners